June 2, 2018


Happy Birthday Mike Coil! 
Hope your 30th is the best year yet! 

Join us at 8am for this super fun Partner WOD!

For Time:
52 Box Jumps (24/20")
52 Jumping Pull ups 
52 Sit Ups
52 Walking Lunges (per person)
52 Knee to Elbow 
52 Push Press (45/35#)
52 Plyo Push Ups 
52 Bench Press (95/65#)
52 Burpees 
52 Double Unders 

*Break it up with a buddy... 
only one person working at a time and no more than 10 reps 


  1. Thanks Nikki...don't feel a day over 21 :)

  2. Awesome workout session. Already sore just looking at it. Keep going. What is pood
